Will it resume on June 8?

The Premier League was reopened on June 8th, and it was possible to finish the season by the end of July, and it was on the net.
I thought it would be meaningless to have an unaided match, but the idea changed when I thought of the huge broadcasting rights.

I myself have subscribed to two types of paid services to watch the J League.
I’m in DAZN for league matches and paid BS for cup matches.

There are teams that can go bankrupt due to a decrease in games, so I cannot say luxury.
It is also officially the end of this season like Belgium.
But as a fan, I would love to see a match.

If the league, which is as influential as the premier, moves to resume, many countries will follow.
For the time being, even a non-spectator is okay, so I would like to see the game of my favorite team.
Many football fans think so.

See you soon.


【I added】
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5) I get up at 5 o’clock every morning, go to work, and go home around 20 o’clock.
  It is physically difficult after surgery for cancer, so I would appreciate your understanding.


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