It was 06/06/1987 when I saw MITCH RYDER at Inkstick Shibaura, a live house that has disappeared.
The reference number is 218, which was a SMASH invitation ticket.

I think that Bruce Springsteen, whom I worshiped at the time, was covering the MITCH RYDER song, and I was motivated to go there.
I can’t remember anything when I look at the stubs of the remaining tickets and hear a CD that I have only one.

The only thing I can remember is the black-and-white photo from the article written by Yusaku Matsumura in Rocking On magazine.
I think it was a photo of MITCH holding a crescent tambourine and yelling at a microphone.

Even if the person in that photo replaces Springsteen, it just feels right.
As I listened to the CD, it felt even stronger.

After checking the net, it seems that he is still active.
I want you to stay healthy for a long time.
See you soon.


【I added】
1) Unauthorized reproduction or copying of the text and images on this site is strictly prohibited.

2) The content is only an individual opinion or experience. Or be fiction, so be careful.

3) In principle, even if you send an email, it will not be published.
Please note that we do not promise a reply from me.

4) Facebook, Twitter, Line, Instagram. I do not have any of these accounts.

5) I get up at 5 o’clock every morning, go to work, and go home around 20 o’clock.
  It is physically difficult after surgery for cancer, so I would appreciate your understanding.


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