August 15 in Japan

In Japan, this day is generally regarded as the end of the war.
I was born in November 1964.
After the Tokyo Olympics closed, I know only peaceful Japan.

Every time I see and hear Greta Thunberg‘s execution power, I think it’s wonderful.
At the same time as being disappointed with my lack of ability to execute, I realize that I still have the desire to do something.
I feel sad that the voices calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons have not spread all over the world since the atomic bombing memorial days in Hiroshima and Nagasaki have passed.

When I was a junior high school student, I also dreamed of becoming a battlefield photographer, yearning for Robert Capa.
It was good until I went to high school and worked hard on boxing, but after I felt the limit and hung my gloves on the wall, I spent all my drinking.

Whether world peace is a dream, I want to spend the night thinking without drinking today.
Thinking about those who died in the war.

See you soon.


【I added】
1) Unauthorized reproduction or copying of the text and images on this site is strictly prohibited.

2) The content is only an individual opinion or experience. Or be fiction, so be careful.

3) In principle, even if you send an email, it will not be published.
Please note that we do not promise a reply from me.

4) Facebook, Twitter, Line, Instagram. I do not have any of these accounts.

5) I get up at 5 o’clock every morning, go to work, and go home around 20 o’clock.
  It is physically difficult after surgery for cancer, so I would appreciate your understanding.


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