Jeffrey Foskett

For me, the last star of the 20th century concert, was Jeffrey Foskett.
He was the main act at the 2nd anniversary event of the Japanese label Dreamsville Records.

I was buying a CD from his debut, so I was looking forward to that day.
Jeffrey Foskett appeared on stage after several bands performed.
At that time, he was the same as I am today, with a rather fat body.

The background sound was karaoke, but his guitar and singing voice were very good.
Especially, the gentle singing voice from the giant was very memorable.
Roy Orbison’s “Crying” in Angkor was great

After searching for his name on the internet for the first time in a while, I am very surprised to find that he is currently suffering from Anaplastic thyroid cancer and fighting for illness.
I also had a papillary thyroid cancer removed four years ago, so I don’t think it’s another person’s affair.

I hope he will be well and listen to the singing voice again.
As one of his fans, I sincerely hope.

See you soon.


【I added】
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4) Facebook, Twitter, Line, Instagram. I do not have any of these accounts.

5) I get up at 5 o’clock every morning, go to work, and go home around 20 o’clock.
  It is physically difficult after surgery for cancer, so I would appreciate your understanding.


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