Geoff Muldaur

This musician has a long career before I was born.
I have only purchased some of his work, but all of them are good music that I can listen to calmly, and my perception is that they have a solid reputation.

At this time, I personally had a very tough time, and I think I was looking for music that was particularly gentle.
The venue on that day was also a restaurant where you could see it playing right there.

To be honest, I don’t really remember the content, but I think I was satisfied.
A snapshot of the 2001 Japan Tour is posted on the website of the promoter who invited him at this time.
It travels around Japan from Kushiro in the north to Nagasaki in the south.

At Yamaguchi, he performed at the main hall of the temple called Hokaiji.
If you have a family atmosphere like this, I would love to go to the concert again.

See you soon.

That’s not all, it’s just part of what I was looking for in my house.

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5) I get up at 5 o’clock every morning, go to work, and go home around 20 o’clock.
  It is physically difficult after surgery for cancer, so I would appreciate your understanding.


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